Scanframe DevOps Trial App  0.0.1
CMake Library


Contains .cmake files for:

  • Finding the Qt library files location for Windows 'C:\Qt' and for Linux ‘~/lib/Qt’.
  • Adding version and description to Windows DLL's EXE's and only version to Linux SO-files.
  • Generating/compiling Doxygen documentation from the source with PlantUML.
  • Find the newest installed GCC compiler when more are installed and a cross Windows compiler when requested.
  • Shell script to make, build and test the project and subprojects also easy to use in CI-pipelines.
  • Building a debian package file from the project. (is under development)


Fetching the Repository in CMake itself

Bellow an excerpt of a CMakeLists.txt to use the repository as CMake-package. Disadvantage is that the shell scripts are not accessible before CMake make has been run and a chicken and egg problem occurs.

# Required to use the 'FetchContent_XXXX' functions.
# Download the main branch of the CMake common library.
GIT_TAG main # Or a version tag.
# Add the source to the cmake file search path.
list(APPEND CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "${sf_cmakelibrary_SOURCE_DIR}")

Repository as Sub-Module

The preferred way is to create a Git submodule lib in the <project-root>/cmake

git submodule add -b main -- lib
git submodule add -b main -- lib

Project Directory Structure

A project directory tree could look like this.

├── src
│ └── tests
├── bin
│ ├── gcov
│ ├── lnx64
│ ├── pkg
│ ├── man
│ └── win64
├── cmake
│ └── lib
└── doc
Path Description
src Application source files.
src/test Test application source files.
bin Root for compiled results from builds.
bin/gcov Coverage report files from unittests.
bin/lnx64 Binaries from Linux 64-bit builds.
bin/pkg Packages from all builds.
bin/man Generated documentation builds.
doc DoxgGen document project source.

The directory bin and holds a placeholder file named __output__ to find the designated bin build output directory for subprojects. Reason for building only subprojects instead of all is to speed up debugging by compiling only the dynamic loaded library separately. When directories are empty but needed then add a file called __placeholder__ so is not ignoring them.

Main Project Head Start

To get a head start look into the tpl/root directory for files that will give a head start getting a project going.

Doxygen Document

For generating documentation from the code using Doxygen the doc subdirectory is to be added. in the main CMakeLists.txt.

# Add Doxygen document project.

The doc directory CMakeLists.txt looks like this where header files are added to the config file.

# Required first entry checking the cmake version.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.18)
# Set the global project name.
# Add doxygen project when SfDoxygen was found.
# On Windows this is only possible when doxygen is installed in Cygwin.
find_package(SfDoxygen QUIET)
if (SfDoxygen_FOUND)
# Get the markdown files in this project directory including the
file(GLOB _SourceList RELATIVE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}" "*.md" "../*.md")
# Get all the header files from the application.
file(GLOB_RECURSE _SourceListTmp RELATIVE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}" "../src/*.h" "../src/*.md")
# Remove unwanted header file(s) ending on 'Private.h'.
list(FILTER _SourcesListTmp EXCLUDE REGEX ".*Private\\.h$")
# Append the list with headers.
list(APPEND _SourceList ${_SourceListTmp})
# Adds the actual manual target and the last argument is the optional PlantUML jar version to download use.
Sf_AddDoxygenDocumentation("${PROJECT_NAME}" "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}" "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../bin/man" "${_SourceList}" "v1.2023.0")
endif ()

Look at Doxygen website for the syntax in C++ header comment blocks or Markdown files.

Git Versioning


To create a version tag with this library there are 2 options.
Create a release tag like v1.2.3 or a release candidate tag like 1.2.3-rc.4.

The CMake coding picks this up using function Sf_GetGitTagVersion returns the version depending on the result of the next Git-command.

# Only annotated tags so no '--tags' option.
git describe --dirty --match "v*.*.*"

Possible results from this command are:


The CMake function Sf_GetGitTagVersion creates a versions list from the result.

Sf_GetGitTagVersion(_Versions "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}")
list(GET _Versions 0 SF_GIT_TAG_VERSION)
list(GET _Versions 1 SF_GIT_TAG_RC)
list(GET _Versions 2 SF_GIT_TAG_COMMITS)

For example when the result is v1.2.3-rc.4-56-g914edbb-dirty.

Index Description Value
0 Main version number 1.2.3
1 Optional release candidate number 4
2 Commit count since the tag 56

Index positions 1 and 2 are empty when not applicable.

Semantic Versioning

For this item a separate page is created so see: Semantic Versioning

GitLab-CI Pipeline

Debian Package Upload Scheme

There are 3 Nexus apt-repositories which can be described to:

Name Usage
stable Actual releases.
staging Release candidates.
develop Development and testing.

In order to have the latest release subscribe only to stable. To have update when a release candidate (RC) becomes available subscribe additionally to staging. When developing and testing debian packages subscribe additionally to develop.

Debian packages are deployed/uploaded to the appropriate apt-repository depending on if it:

  • MR: Originates from a merge-request.
  • PRB: Originates from a push to the release branch which is mainly main.
  • RC: Is a Release Candidate.
  • CMT: Has commits since tag was create.
MR RC PRB CMT Destination
No No Yes No stable
No No Yes Yes staging
No No No * n/a
No Yes Yes * staging
No Yes No * develop
Yes * * * develop

Windows ZIP and installer EXE files are uploaded to a dist/<destination> directory.

Coverage Reporting


The tools for this are gcov and gcovr of

CMake Functions

The functions needed to perform coverage are located in SfBaseConfig.cmake.

Function Description
Sf_AddTargetForCoverage Sets compiler and linker options for the target depending on the target type.
Sf_AddAsCoverageTest Adds a test to the list which is used as a dependency for the test generating the report.
Sf_AddTestCoverageReport Adds the test generating the report calling the script

Code Format Checking and Fixing with Clang

To enable format check before a commit modify or add the script .git/hooks/pre-commit with the following content. It calls the script which in directly calls the script from the CMake support library. It also checks if it is a commit to the main or master branch and prevents it.

# Redirect output to stderr.
exec 1>&2
# Get the branch name.
branch="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)"
# Check if it is 'main' and prevent a commit on it.
if [[ "${branch}" == "main" || "${branch}" == "master" ]]; then
echo "You can't commit directly to the '${branch}' branch!"
exit 1
# When the file '' exists call it to check if the formatting is correct.
if [[ -f ]]; then
if ! ./; then
echo "Source is not formatted correctly!"
exit 1

This same script is used in the main pipeline configuration script main.gitlab-ci.yml in the job named 'check-env'.
So when the format is incorrect the pipeline will fail.