This project is to test GitLab's CI/CD-pipeline with a hello-world C++ applications. One for console and one for GUI using the Qt-framework. Both applications are build for Linux and also for Windows using a MinGW cross-compiler on Linux including the Catch2 unittest-framework.
The application has a shared library and is build using CMake and presets and a build script to simplify pipeline configurations for building, testing and packaging. The Gitlab-Runners use Docker containers for builds and the runner is also a container itself. Runners are using a self-hosted caching service/server for caching between jobs across different hosts machines/containers.
The used Docker containers are stored on a self-hosted Docker-repository and deployment on a self-hosted apt-repository and for Windows a raw-repository.
GitHub Cloning
Since the GitHub repository is a mirror from a private GitLab server the .gitmodule
file needs to be changed.
The script facilitates this.s
Execute the script when downloading.
wget "" -qO - | bash
Docker C++ Build Image
The Docker image used for the CI/CD-pipeline en also for compiling in CLion is configured by the in the GitHub sf-docker-runner
repository bash script
and cpp-builder/Dockerfile
The bash-script assembles all files needed to create this monster of an image of 2.8 GByte and push it to the self-hosted Sonatype Nexus server.
Execute the script
and view its sub-commands.
Usage: [<options>] <command>
Execute an actions for docker and/or it's container.
-h, --help : Show this help.
-p, --project : Project directory which is mounted in '/mnt/project' and has a symlink '~/project'.
build : Builds the docker image tagged 'gnu-cpp:dev' for self-hosted Nexus repository and requires zipped Qt libraries.
push : Pushes the docker image to the self-hosted Nexus repository.
pull : Pulls the docker image from the self-hosted Nexus repository.
base-push : Pushes the base image 'ubuntu:22.04' to the self-hosted Nexus repository.
qt-lnx : Generates the '' from the current users Linux Qt library.
qt-win : Generates the qt-win-zip from the current users Windows Qt library.
qt-lnx-up : Uploads the generated zip-file to the Nexus server as 'repository/shared/library/'.
qt-win-up : Uploads the generated zip-file to the Nexus server as 'repository/shared/library/'.
runx : Runs the docker container named 'gnu-cpp' in the foreground mounting the passed project directory using the host's X-server.
run : Same as 'runx' using a fake X-server.
stop : Stops the container named 'gnu-cpp' running in the background.
kill : Kills the container named 'gnu-cpp' running in the background.
status : Return the status of named 'gnu-cpp' the container running in the background.
attach : Attaches to the in the background running container named 'gnu-cpp'.
versions : Shows versions of most installed applications within the container.
docker-push : Push 'gnu-cpp' to userspace '' on
Command passed to '':
du : Show docker disk usage.
local : Docker client list local images.
list : List remote images on Nexus server.
login : Log Docker in on the self hosted Nexus registry repository.
docker-login: Log Docker in on registry as 'avolphen'.
logout : Log docker out from any repository.
prune : Remove all Docker build cache.
remove : Removes a local image. (not implemented)
wine-reg : Compress registry files from common/wine-reg.
wine-reg-up : Upload compressed registry files to Nexus raw repository.
The image contains all needed packages for builds and each of them are listed here with their versions.
The next list is obtained by executing ./ versions
or ./ versions
Application | Version |
Ubuntu | 22.04 |
Git | 2.46.0 |
GCC | 11.4.0 |
C++ | 11.4.0 |
GCC | 12.3.0 |
C++ | 12.3.0 |
MinGW GCC | 10-posix |
MinGW C++ | 10-posix |
CMake | 3.30.2 |
GNU-Make | 4.3 |
Ninja-Build | 1.10.1 |
CLang-Format | 20.0.0 |
Gdb | 12.1 |
GNU-Linker | 2.38 |
Qt-Lib-Lnx | 6.7.2 |
Qt-Lib-Win | 6.7.2 |
DoxyGen | 1.9.1 |
Graphviz | 2.43.0 |
Exif-Tool | 12.40 |
Dpkg | 1.21.1 |
RPM | 4.17.0 |
OpenJDK | 11.0.24 |
BindFS | 1.14.7 |
Fuse-ZIP | 0.6.0 |
JQ | 1.6 |
Gcovr | 7.2 |
Python3 | 3.10.12 |
Wine | 9.0 |
Wine > Windows | 10.0.19043 |
The C++ Application Source
Applications & Library
The application source is located in this repository.
The generic 'hello-world' console application in gen/main.cpp
The Qt cross-platform 'hello-world-qt' GUI-application in qt/main.cpp
The cross-platform 'hello-lib' shared/dynamic/library in hwl/src/main.cpp
CMake Generic C++ Support Library
The CMake Linux package contains more than the cmake
App | Description |
CMake | CMake is an open-source, cross-platform build system. It uses configuration files (CMakeLists.txt) to generate native build scripts for various platforms and compilers. CMake simplifies the build process by providing a consistent interface for managing complex build configurations. |
CTest | CTest is a testing tool that integrates with CMake. It allows developers to define and run tests for their CMake-based projects. CTest can execute tests in parallel, generate test reports, and integrate with Continuous Integration (CI) systems for automated testing. |
CPack | CPack is a packaging tool designed to create distribution packages for software projects built with CMake. It can generate package formats such as DEB, RPM, NSIS, and ZIP. CPack simplifies the process of creating installable packages for different operating systems and distributions. |
To allow reuse of scripts for the ease of usage a library sf-cmake is created and used as a Git-submodule.
Catch2 Unittests
To make it more challenging the Catch2 unit-test library is imported. The test application sources are located in ./src/tests
# FetchContent added in CMake 3.11, downloads during the configure step.
# Import Catch2 library for testing.
GIT_TAG v3.1.1
# Adds Catch2::Catch2
Doxygen Manual/Document Generator
The cmake/lib/SfDoxygenConfig.cmake
package adds a function Sf_AddDoxygenDocumentation()
which in its turn adds a manual target.
Look at Doxygen website for the syntax in C++ header comment blocks or Markdown files.
# Required first entry checking the cmake version.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.27)
# Set the global project name.
# Add doxygen project when SfDoxygen was found.
# On Windows this is only possible when doxygen is installed in Cygwin.
find_package(SfDoxygen QUIET)
if (SfDoxygen_FOUND)
# Get the markdown files in this project directory including the
file(GLOB _SourceList RELATIVE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}" "*.md" "../*.md")
# Get all the header files from the application.
file(GLOB_RECURSE _SourceListTmp RELATIVE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}" "../app/*.h" "../app/*.md")
# Remove unwanted header file(s) ending on 'Private.h'.
list(FILTER _SourcesListTmp EXCLUDE REGEX ".*Private\\.h$")
# Append the list with headers.
list(APPEND _SourceList ${_SourceListTmp})
# Adds the actual manual target.
Sf_AddDoxygenDocumentation("${PROJECT_NAME}" "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}" "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../bin/man" "${_SourceList}")
endif ()
Code Format Checking with Clang
To enable format check before a commit modify or add the script .git/hooks/pre-commit
with the following content. It calls the script which in directly calls the
script from the CMake support library. It also checks if it is a commit to the main or master branch and prevents it.
# Redirect output to stderr.
exec 1>&2
# Get the branch name.
branch="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)"
# Check if it is 'main' and prevent a commit on it.
if [[ "${branch}" == "main" || "${branch}" == "master" ]]; then
echo "You can't commit directly to the '${branch}' branch!"
exit 1
# When the file '' exists call it to check if the formatting is correct.
if [[ -f ]]; then
if ! ./; then
echo "Source is not formatted correctly!"
exit 1
This same script is used in the main pipeline configuration script main.gitlab-ci.yml
in the job named 'check-env'.
So when the format is incorrect the pipeline will fail.
Build Script
The ./
script make a call to the CMake support library bash-script
Executes CMake commands using the 'CMakePresets.json' and 'CMakeUserPresets.json' files
of which the first is mandatory to exist.
Usage: cmake/lib/bin/ [<options>] [<presets> ...]
-h, --help : Shows this help.
-d, --debug : Debug: Show executed commands rather then executing them.
-i, --info : Return information on all available build, test and package presets.
-s, --submodule : Return branch information on all Git submodules of last commit.
-p, --package : Create packages using a preset.
--required : Install required Linux packages using debian apt package manager.
-m, --make : Create build directory and makefiles only.
-f, --fresh : Configure a fresh build tree, removing any existing cache file.
-C, --wipe : Wipe clean build tree directory by removing all contents from the build directory.
-c, --clean : Cleans build targets first (adds build option '--clean-first')
-b, --build : Build target and make config when it does not exist.
-B, --build-only : Build target only and fail when the configuration does note exist.
-t, --test : Runs the ctest application using a test-preset.
-w, --workflow : Runs the passed work flow presets.
-l, --list-only : Lists the ctest test defined application by the project and selected preset.
-n, --target : Overrides the build targets set in the preset by a single target.
-r, --regex : Regular expression on which test names are to be executed.
Where <sub-dir> is the directory used as build root for the CMakeLists.txt in it.
This is usually the current directory '.'.
When the <target> argument is omitted it defaults to 'all'.
The <sub-dir> is also the directory where cmake will create its 'cmake-build-???' directory.
Get all project presets info: /mnt/server/userdata/source/c++src/trial-devops/cmake/lib/bin/ -i
Make/Build project: /mnt/server/userdata/source/c++src/trial-devops/cmake/lib/bin/ -b my-build-preset1 my-build-preset2
Test project: /mnt/server/userdata/source/c++src/trial-devops/cmake/lib/bin/ -t my-test-preset1 my-test-preset2
Make/Build/Test/Pack project: /mnt/server/userdata/source/c++src/trial-devops/cmake/lib/bin/ -w my-workflow-preset
To make it easy to run the same commands within the Docker builder image, the
is provided which takes the same arguments as the
Same as '' script but running from Docker image '' but allows Docker specific commands.
Usage: cmake/lib/bin/ [command] <args...>
pull : Pulls the docker image '' from the Docker registry.
run : Runs a command as user 'user' in the container using Docker command
'run' or 'exec' depending on a running container in the background.
detach : Detaches a container named 'cpp_builder' in the background.
attach : Attaches to the in the background running container named 'cpp_builder'.
status : Returns info of the running container 'cpp_builder' in the background.
stop : Stops the container named 'cpp_builder' running in the background.
kill : Kills the container named 'cpp_builder' running in the background.
versions : Shows versions of most installed applications within the container.
Set environment variable 'DOCKER_BUILD=1' for using 'docker' as offset in the build directory to prevent mixing host build directories.
When a the container is detached it executes the '' script by attaching to the container which is much faster.
CI/CD Pipeline Configuration
The CI/CD Pipeline configuration has a main cmake-build.gitlab-ci.yml
file which triggers a
child-pipeline gitlab-ci/main.gitlab-ci.yml
twice. Respectively Linux and Windows but having different variable assignments passed from the main pipeline.
variable is set in GitLab for the project.
Value | Description |
skip | Do not trigger any pipelines. |
test | Tests the caching and artifacts mechanism. |
deploy | Allows testing manual deployment of packages where child pipelines are manual as well. |
| When left empty or not defined the pipeline runs normal. |
FontName Arial
FontSize 13
Padding 0
Margin 0
HorizontalAlignment Left
frame {
' define a new style, using CSS class syntax
FontColor Black
LineColor Gray
' Transparency is also possible
'BackgroundColor #52A0DC55
BackgroundColor #F9F9F9-#E9E9E9
'[From top left to bottom right <&fullscreen-enter>]
RoundCorner 10
'Green gradient
BackgroundColor #77BC65-#069A2E
RoundCorner 10
BackgroundColor #FFDE59-#B47804
LineColor darkred
skinparam TitleFontStyle Bold
skinparam TitleFontSize 20
skinparam RankSep 40
skinparam NodeSep 10
title "CI-Pipeline & Triggers"
frame "Pipeline" as pipeline {
left to right direction
frame "Push Events" as events {
rectangle "Merge Request" <<event>> as merge_event
rectangle "Protected Branch" <<event>> as protected_event
frame "GitLab-CI" as gitlab_ci {
rectangle "Child: GNU-Build" <<gitlab-ci>> as gnu_cmake
rectangle "Child: GW-Build" <<gitlab-ci>> as gw_cmake
rectangle "Child: GNU-Coverage" <<gitlab-ci>> as gnu_coverage
rectangle "Main" <<gitlab-ci>> as main
protected_event -> main : trigger
merge_event --> main : trigger
main --> gnu_cmake : trigger
main --> gw_cmake : trigger
main --> gnu_coverage : trigger
MinIO Cache Server
The Docker way is to use image minio-server
and minio-mc
respectively for service and control console.
For using Docker a script
is created to simplify it in the sf-docker-runner
To install a MinIO service from scratch using a Debian package is described in the wiki-page.
Sonatype Nexus
To configure an APT-repository on a Sonatype Nexus server is described in this wiki-page.
For uploading files to a Nexus repository is the
GitLab-Runner with Docker
To run a GitLab-Runner service using Docker use image gitlab/gitlab-runner:latest
For using Docker a script
is created. The script sets all the needed Docker options required by the 'C++ Build Image' (gnu-cpp:dev
) to have fuse available for bindfs
and mounting it in the sf-docker-runner
CLion IDE Docker Integration
For CLion add a Docker toolchain where the image to use is gnu-cpp:dev
when it was build locally or for example
when it was build remote and uploaded to the self-hosted Nexus service.
The 'Docker' toolchain 'Container Settings' are as follows:
-u 0:0
-e LOCAL_USER=1000:1000
-v /home/<linux-username>/.Xauthority:/home/user/.Xauthority:ro
--net host
The volume mount for .Xauthority
environment variable is to allow Qt GUI applications to use the host's X-server.
Option --privileged
is needed for it to use fuse
Gitlab Issues
Child Coverage Report
Child pipelines cannot not report coverage, to enable this using can be done on the console.
In GitLab Issue the feature can be enabled but seems not to work when tested at this moment.
Enter the Console
This might take a while... a minute or so.
sudo gitlab-rails console
Paste the commands in the console when it started (prompt visible).
Console Commands
Enable the global feature.
The response is currently.
WARNING: Understand the stability and security risks of enabling in-development features with feature flags.
See for more information.
=> true
Check the status of the feature.
Disable the feature.
CLion Issues
Toolchain Docker running GDB (not working)
It is not possible to run the GDB debugger from the IDE.
Somehow the IDE is not able to communicate with GDB.
The path of the binary file on the host is shown or passed to GDB.
The configuration used by the Docker toolchain for this project is:
-u 0:0
-v /home/arjan/.Xauthority:/home/user/.Xauthority:ro
-v /mnt/server/userdata/source/c++src:/mnt/project
--net host